ExplorEarth is a funded start-up travel media company that inspires travel seekers to book expedition and small-ship adventure cruises. This market caters to more than 150,000 travellers annually, which is fast-growing yearly.
Our website combines destination guides, comprehensive ship and cruise databases, expert-authored subject guides, and original stories—we aim to become the leading media brand in this sector. We plan to go live in Summer 2024.
We are working with leading travel writers, photographers, experts, and scientists who have direct experience with the destinations, ships, and wildlife on which our content focuses. With popular destinations that include Antarctica, the Arctic, Galagapgos, and Alaska, the opportunity for mesmerising content-led campaigns is exceptional.
We also work with approved partners, providing them with leads and opportunities for native advertising and sponsorship.
As a digital company, we focus on driving traffic to the site and converting visitors to subscribers and leads. Think Nat Geo meets Lonely Planet on an expedition ship!